The Living Body - The Church


The Christian life has both personal and corporate dimensions. We are called to worship together, serve together and support each other. God calls us all to works of service and some to positions of leadership. We look out for each other for support to keep on the right path. The so far unfinished task that Jesus gave to his church is to take the gospel to all nations - the call to mission.

Part Title Sections
26 The True Church Communities of believers
Illustrations of the church
A living organism rather than an institution
Unity in the Spirit
27 The Priesthood Key people in God's plan offered sacrifices
The priestly function of the Jewish nation and the Levites
Jesus the once and for all sacrifice for sin
The Royal priesthood of all Christians
The word 'priest' used in two ways today
28 Prayer Communication with God: listening, thanksgiving , confession, asking
Modelled by Jesus
Trinitarian prayer to God the Father, through the Son in the power of the Spirit
29 Roads to Apostasy Background
The way of Cain
The way of Balaam
The Nicolatians
Staying alert today
30 Sacerdotalism - God's answer to it Old Testament Background
The Priesthood of all believers
1. The denial of grace
2. The Love of splendour and praise of men
3. Ignorance
4. False worship
5. Hindering the realisation of salvation through Jesus
6. Intermediaries
7. False prayers
8. False ritual
9. Misleading in relation to sin
Conclusion - an unavoidable controversy
31 Baptism In the New Testament - a sign of cleansing
In the Old Testament - washings and purification
Romans - death to sin
A normal part of Christian initiation
By church leaders
The debate about infants
32 The Lord's supper In obedience to Jesus' command - various names
A new meaning to the Jewish passover meal
Feeding on Christ
Differing traditions among the churches
The need for self examination
Practical matters
33 The Missionary Call From Jesus - not optional!
Every Christian a witness to the person and work of Jesus
Many types of calling and many different gifts of service
The empowerment of the Holy Spirit

Backwards to Parts 1-36



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