A Christian's Hope for the Future


In this, a 12 part sermon series, Chris Moffett looks at our Christian hope for the future with the promise of Jesus' return. What did this promise mean to Christians in the past, and what difference should this make to us today?

Instalment Title & Number
The Promise - part 1
25 September 2022
The Promise
Welcome to our teaching and preaching series on HOPE, the promise of Jesus' return. In this, our first instalment, we look at what difference this promise should make to our lives today. 
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Living in the Gap - part 2
10 October 2022
Living in the Gap
The second in our study / sermon series on HOPE, as we look at living in the time before Jesus' return. 
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A Resurrection Body - part 3
1 November 2022
A Resurrection Body
The promise of Jesus' return only brings comfort and makes sense if all believers who have died are raised from the dead. This is precisely what scripture teaches. Paul makes it clear that it is not just those who are alive at the time who will see Him. The dead in Christ will be raised with a new resurrection body. 
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The Great Reunion - part 4
18 January 2023
The Great Reunion
We have seen that scripture records the sure promise that the risen Lord Jesus who reigns in heaven, will return to earth. Although the world and God's people have experienced and will experience times of trouble birth pains before this happens, these will be far outweighed by the glory that will be revealed. 
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A Day of Reward - part 5
4 February 2023
A Day of Reward
In the first four parts we have seen that The Christian's hope for the future is the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. This was something that the first Christians expected though the details of when, according to Jesus, are only known by God the Father. Meanwhile we live in the gap - a period which is not always easy - a time of birth pains. Christians will be raised and given a new resurrection body, quite different from their former earthly corruptible body. There will be a great reunion between Christ and those who have died and those who are alive at the time of his return. 
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A Balanced Response - part 6
12 May 2023
A Balanced Response
A straightforward reading of the New Testament shows that the first followers of Jesus expected Him to return very soon, even though Jesus had made it very clear that only His Father knew the time that would be. Later New Testament writings show that Jesus' followers came to recognise that it was it was probably not quite as soon as they had first expected. They needed to give more attention to living a good life in the here and now. 
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The Bride of Christ - part 7
15 June 2023
The Bride of Christ
The stories at the beginning of our Bibles declare that God's intention for humankind was (and indeed still is) to live in a relationship of trust, obedience, and dependence on God, exercising dominion (which implies care) over the earth. For this we are created. 
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Jews & Gentiles - part 8
24 July 2023
Jews & Gentiles
In our world today there is both Judaism and the Church, two separate faiths following the same God of Abraham. Jews have likewise spread all over the world, adapting their faith to an era without a Jerusalem temple, maintaining their identity and very often facing persecution and discrimination. This is an astonishing and surprising story. How could this have happened and is that what God intended and planned? Has God given up on his ancient people? Does God intend there to be two separate groups - Israel and the Church? 
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Eden Restored & More - part 9
27 September 2023
Eden Restored & More
We have been thinking about the Christian hope for the future and by hope we mean confident expectation rather than sincere wishful thinking. This confidence is grounded in the truth that the God of the Bible, first revealed to the Jewish people and then through Jesus their Messiah-King to the rest of the world, created all things and controls and overrules history. History is moving to the climax purposed and planned by God. 
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Birth Pains, Persecution & Prayer - part 10
2 November 2023
Birth Pains, Persecution & Prayer
In Matthew chapter 24, as Jesus and His disciples walked from the temple, He made the prediction that one day the it would be totally destroyed. "Do you see all these things?" he asked. "Truly I tell you, not one stone here will be left on another. Every one will be thrown down." The disciples assumed that Jesus was referring to the end of the age and asked Him the 'when will this be' question.
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The Eradication of Sin, Satan & Suffering - part 11
8 December 2023
The Eradication of Sin, Satan & Suffering
We are nearing the end of our series on the Christian's hope. The Bible looks forward to a time when all sin and suffering will be eradicated including Satan and his hierarchy of accomplices.  
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Putting It All Together - part 12
19 December 2023
Putting It All Together
In our preceding 11 studies we have been thinking about the Christian's hope for the future. In doing so, we have looked back to God's past dealings with mankind as well as forwards. The Christian faith, which we live out day-by-day in the present, is connected both to what God has done in the past and what He will do in the future. Our salvation, rooted in what Jesus has done for us, is something we experience in the here and now, but it will be fully revealed in the future.
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