Our digital teaching letters, with our latest resources, are sent out regularly to pastors and libraries in the developing world. They can form a basis for preaching, teaching or reflection in a variety of different contexts.
Resources can be found using the series links below. They can be downloaded as pdfs for printing, or as webpages for ease of reading on mobiles or tablets.
In a short 3-part series, Chris Moffett looks at the Laws of the Old Testament. What do they have to say to us and how we should apply them? Are they binding for us today, or can we pick and choose?
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This 12-part teaching series looks at our Christian hope for the future with the promise of Jesus' return. What did this promise mean to Christians in the past, and what difference should this make to us today?
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This 3-part teaching series on 1 John reflects on this short and sometimes challenging letter, and provides a useful introduction for personal study.
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Originally, these were short articles posted during the Covid pandemic. Chris Moffett explores a range of Biblical themes and topics.
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